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Customs Tariff Act (Japan)



[English Translation of Japanfs Customs Tariff Law, Articles 1, 3 and 14]


Article 1

This law provides for the tariff of the customs duty, the basis of the duty imposition, and other matters related to the customs system.


Article 3

Customs Duty shall be imposed on the basis of the price or volume of the imported goods.  The tariff shall be in accordance with the attached schedule.


Article 14

Any of the following goods, if imported, shall be exempt from customs duty under the provisions of the Government Decree.

1.      Goods for the emperor and/or any member of the imperial family in the imperial court,

2.to 3.3                [Translation Not Available]

4. Documentation or any other writing,

5. to 14.              [Translation Not Available]

15.  [Repealed]

16.  Instruments especially manufactured for the use of disabled persons and any similar goods provided for in the Government Degree,

17.  Films for news movies (only those already filmed) and tapes for news (only those already taped), except that only two of them shall be exempt if they have the same contents.

18.  Goods of which dutiable value is 10,000 yen or under in aggregate (except for those specified in the Government Decree to be inappropriate for application of the provisions of this subparagraph in the light of the effect on the industry of Japan and/or any other matters).


Articles 15 to 19

[Translation Not Available]


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