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Japanese Laws Promulgated in 2003



-          Infrastructure Priority Program Act (Law No. 20, March 31, 2003)

-          Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan Act (Law No. 27, April 9, 2003)

-          Emergent Measures Act concerning Improvement of Operation of Alcoholic Beverage Retailers and Related Matters (Law No. 34, May 1, 2003)

-          Act concerning Special Measures to be Emergently Taken in the Fiscal Year 2003 to Reduce the Debts of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority (Law No. 35, May 1, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency Environment Revitalization and Preservation Organization Act (Law No. 43, May 16, 2003)

-          Japan Environmental Safety Affairs Corporation Act (Law No. 44, May 16, 2003)

-          Food Safety Principles Act (Law No. 48, May 23, 2003)

-          Act concerning Protection of Private Information (Law No. 57, May 30, 2003)

-          Act concerning Prohibition of Carrying Special Unlocking Tools (Law No. 65, June 4, 2003)

-          Special Measures Act concerning Administration and Transmission of Information for Cow Identification (Law No. 72, June 11, 2003)

-          Act concerning Peace and Independence of the Nation and National Security under Such Situation as Foreign Attack by Weapons (Law No. 79, June 13, 2003)

-          Act concerning Prohibition of Seducing Children through Internet Match-Making System (Law No. 83, June 13, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency Japan Students Support Organization Act (Law No. 94, June 18, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency Oceanological Studies and Development Organization Act (Law No. 95, June 18, 2003)

-          Special Measures Act concerning Removal of Troubles Caused by Specific Industrial Wastes (Law No. 98, June 18, 2003)

-          Act concerning Rapid Judicial Procedures (Law No. 107, July 16, 2003)

-          Incorporation of National Universities Act (Law No. 112, July 16, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency National Technology Colleges Organization Act (Law No. 113, July 16, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation Act (Law No. 114, July 16, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency National University Finance and Management Center Act (Law No. 115, July 16, 2003)

-          Independent Administrative Agency National Institute of Multimedia Education Act (Law No. 116, July 16, 2003)

-          Supporting Policy for Upbringing Next Generations Act (Law No. 120, July 16, 2003)

-          Narita International Airport Corporation Act (Law No. 124, July 18, 2003)

-          Special Measures Act concerning Support for Employment of Mothers of Fatherless Families (Law No. 126, July 24, 2003)

-          Act concerning Encouragement for Environment Preservation and Stimulation of Environment Education (Law No. 130, July 25, 2003)

-          Fundamental Policy for Society with less Children Act (Law No. 133, July 30, 2003)

-          Special Measures Act concerning Implementation of Humanitarian Reconstruction Aid Activities and Safety Assistance Activities in Iraq (Law No. 137, August 1, 2003)


*This list does not cover all the legislations.  gcs-trans.bizh can translate any of the above-listed laws from original Japanese.  Please ask for translation cost.


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